36 Skills You Need to Survive Homeownership
The ultimate guide for tackling most household emergencies with ease What do newborn babies and homeownership have in common? Neither come with an owner’s manual.
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Seth Williams is an experienced land investor, commercial real estate banker and residential income property owner. He is also the Founder of REtipster.com – a real estate investing blog providing real world guidance for part time real estate investors.
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The ultimate guide for tackling most household emergencies with ease What do newborn babies and homeownership have in common? Neither come with an owner’s manual.
Do you have a neighbor that annoys you? The chances are, you do! According to this REALTOR Magazine article, a recent survey done by Lending
It may not feel or look like spring in many areas yet, but as of Monday March 20th, it’s here! So does that mean the
There’s no way around it… Now, more than ever, you’ve GOT to stand out as a real estate agent. To say our industry is over-saturated
“Use the right tool for the job”… The wisdom in that saying is why it’s been said for centuries. After all, you wouldn’t bring a
Depending on your situation, it may not take the full 30 minutes.
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